Margaret (Jevne) Mullin
Margaret Lorraine Jevne was born at her parents’ home in the Wang district March 30, 1919.
1926-1934 – attended Wang School
1935 – Grade 9 at Sparling School
1936 – Home Economic School of Agriculture at Olds, Alberta.
1939 – married John Mullin and had three sons; Rodney, Wesley, Michael.
1940-2009 – a member of Vang Lutheran Church
1940-2000 – member of Vang Ladies Aid, President of Ladies Aid for 25 years, on Church Council for 4 years, Superintendant of Sunday School 4 years.
1957 – Member of Women of the Moose Lodge, still a member. I received the Academy of Friendship degree from the Ladies of the Moose Lodge.
1960-1965 – Served in the Culinary Department at the Wetaskiwin Fair Board.
1970-1979 – Canvassed for Red Cross in the Wang district, and received the Red Cross Certificate of Merit for Voluntary Service.
1972-1985 – Worked for the R.C.M.P in Wetaskiwin as a matron.
1989 – The Lake Bend Farm won the Family Farm Award.
1977-2009 – Joined Millet Museum, collected histories of Wang district for history book, Tales and Trails of Millet. I have also written history of Vang Lutheran Church which began in 1899. I am a Charter member of Millet Museum.
2007 – I contributed the written history of Vang Lutheran Church to a Scandinavian book published last year called “Scandinavian Connection – A Guide to Sites in Alberta.”
My husband passed away in 2002. I have lived in the Wang district all my life, and still live in my home.
Now, after 90 years of age, I cook my own meals, bake bread, and can fruit, as I have done all these years. I enjoy my small garden and berries, feeding my birds, and watching them.
I keep busy, and still knit and crochet.
-Margaret (Jevne) Mullin
Compiled in 2009
Compiled by Ashley Valberg
Sources: Margaret Mullin, Tails and Trails of Millet, Millet and District Museum and Archives
Associated Member Museum: Millet and District Museum and Archives