I'm sure we have a photo somewhere!
Louise (Vogel) Johnston
Life and Work
Louise Johnston, a member of the Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame, is representative of the many Alberta farm women who dedicate themselves to leadership and service through women's farm organizations.
Louise came to Alberta as a baby, grew up on a ranch at Carstairs. Louise was the daughter of Charles H. Vogel who, along with his brother Albert, operated the family ranch, just west of Carstairs. As a young woman, she taught in local rural schools for five years. She married Russel Johnston and lived in the Helmsdale district, becoming actively involved with the United Farm Women of Alberta (UFWA). During this time, the UFWA was concerned with social issues, especially related to women and children: education, health and welfare, and the status of women. In her 18 years as a director, beginning in 1946, Louise prepared briefs on topics such as the need for a national health plan, fairer divorce laws for women, and education. In education, she drafted and presented proposals to various Royal Commissions, and, between 1967 and 1971, served on the senate of the University of Calgary.
From 1963 to 1967 Louise was UFWA president, taking on national and international tasks, as a delegate to conferences in Quebec and Ireland.
Associated Member Museum: Carstairs Heritage Centre