Joyce Neary
Life and Work
Joyce began her career in the Alberta oil patch. Her bookkeeping experience involved rig inventory and led her to become an expert on the components of a rotary drilling rig. She worked for various oilfield companies and was able to adjust effortlessly. Joyce was an innovator when she tackled and initiated new projects.
Joyce was born in Calgary and moved to Edmonton with her family in 1941. In Grade 12, she quit school to take a comptometer course that focused on back office calculations. Her reputation for excellent customer service was outstanding. In 1951, she became a charter member of the Desk & Derrick Club of Edmonton, an organization that promotes the education and professional development of individuals employed in the petroleum industries. Joyce has served as club president twice and has held every position at the local level. She still serves as club auditor. In 1987, she was recognized as Canadian Oilwoman of the Year.