I'm sure we have a photo somewhere!
Mrs. Alfred Lundie
Life and Work
In 1915 Mrs. Lundie and five children came to Lacombe from Glasgow, Scotland to be reunited with her husband Alfred and their son.
She was the first president of the Lest We Forget Club, a group of dedicated, energetic widows, wives, daughters and sisters of veterans of WWI.
In addition, both she and her husband received honorable life memberships in the Great War Veterans Association and she was decorated with the King’s Medal “George V” in 1935.
Lest We Forget Club
The Lest-We-Forget Club was formed on February 22, 1922, by a group of energetic, dedicated women who were widows, wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters of veterans of the First World War. They acted as auxiliary to the Great War Veterans’ Association (forerunner of the Legion).
This club was given its charter on December 23, 1922. There were twenty-eight charter members, and the first president was Mrs. Alfred Lundie, who held the office for seven years.
The club received a piece of land 137 feet by 240 feet from the Lacombe school board to be used for a memorial park. A great deal of planning and work went into the project of landscaping the park. Money for trees were donated by local residents. For example, during one of the fairs held at the exhibition grounds, Mrs. Alfred Lundie and Mrs. Charlie Halping decked themselves out in gypsy costumes, and set up a “side show” tent to read tea cups and make prophecies.
Community residents aimed high in the early days. The Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII) had been invited to unveil the marble statue in the park which was inscribed the names of the men who gave their lives to the war. The letter of reply from St. James Palace, London, dated August 15, 1924, was sent to the president, Mrs. Lundie.
The communication read:
The suggestion contained in your letter of August 1st has been laid before the Prince of Wales.
His Royal Highness’ forthcoming visit is entirely in the nature of a holiday trip, and he has already caused an announcement to be made to the effect that he cannot undertake any public engagements whatever during his stay.
He is sure that you will understand that it is not possible for him to make an exception to such a decision in any one instance, and that, though he much appreciates the invitation extended by your Club, he is unable to accept it.
Yours faithfully,
A. Lamb
Ass’t. Private Secretary
Associated Member Museum: Lacombe Museums