Great Grand Mother - ©1992 National Film Board of Canada
Directors: Lorna Rasmussen and Anne WheelerProducers: Kathleen Shannon and John Taylor
Woman Voice 1: For outsiders, we no doubt look like a very ordinary group of women, but we knew we were building a nation. We knew the future would depend on our foundation. If they were weak, the purpose of every women there, the purpose to make a better world for her children and for others, would fail.Meeting Begins:
Woman Voice 2: Ladies, ladies. I would like to call the meeting to order now. We will begin with the reading of the minutes. Mrs. Nee (?)Mrs. Nee (?): The Twenty-Third meeting of the Saskatchewan Provincial Franchise League was held in the home of Mrs. Lee Hade (?) on September the 23rd, 1914. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and a doctorate is read. This diction prevented the plan of work for the upcoming year. Her committee suggested the following: One, that work for the franchise continues. The committee expresses the hope that women will have at least the provincial vote within the next year. That, committees be reestablished to continue work on social and moral reform. It was suggested that they study, equal wage for equal work, maternity allowance, maximum hours of labour for women and girls, equal property rites for husband and wife, and prohibition of the female suffrage.
SLIDE SHOW: CARTOON IMAGES DEPICTING WOMEN’S ORGANIZATIONS FIGHT FOR WOMEN’S RIGHTS AND SUFFRAGE.Women Voice 3: If it hadn’t been for the persistence of those pioneer women who braved everything to make the first homes that dotted our prairies, the men would have gotten out of the country long ago. Getting into politics is just house keeping, on a national scale.