The following publications are available from various CARMN members and Central Alberta Historical Society Publications.Aspenland 1998: Local Knowledge and a Sense of Place, edited by D. Goa and D. Ridley
$12.95 plus S/H

Aspenland II On Women's Lives and Work in Central Alberta, edited by David Ridley
$19.95 plus S/H.

West of the Blindman: Observations of a Half Century, by Fred Schutz, edited by W. Baergen and David C. Jones
$24.95 plus S/H.

A Prisoner of War Diary: The Ray Heard Memoirs.1939-1945, by Raymond Heard
$24.95 plus S/H.
History Books available from CARMN Members
The publications listed below are available through the publishing organization.Knee Hill Valley History Book
$100.00 plus S/H
To purchase contact Terry Gerrard 403-227-2503
Out of Print

The Formation of Mind and Spirit: A Collection Reference and Commentary, prepared by David J. Goa and David Ridley.

The Unspoken Worlds of Aspenland: Study Circles in Memory, Tradition and Place, prepared by D. Goa, D. Ridley, and Lawrie Knight-Steinbach.
Free Download

Storyline: At the Heart of Your Museum, by Anna Robertson, (Robertson Weir Ltd.) [PDF]

Policy and Procedure Development Workbook, Central Alberta Regional Museum Network, 2006 [rar]
Please note this document is over 10 years old.
For FREE trial DOWNLOAD of Win RAR program CLICK HERE
Alberta Museums Association Standard Practices Handbook for Museums, 3rd edition is available at
Central Alberta Historical Society
Chartered in 1995, the Central Alberta Historical Society (CAHS) covers the region from Ponoka in the north to Olds in the south, and from the B.C. border to the Saskatchewan border. Each year from September to May, CHS presents an exciting series of historical lectures and special events ranging from period Christmas dinners to visits to historic ranches. We have become recognized for our well organized four-day summer bus tours to exotic prairie and mountain locations. Each May, the CAHS celebrates local heritage and history through the annual Central Alberta Historical Festival; partners such as museums and historic sites present a variety of family oriented events.CAHS is a chapter of the Historical Society of Alberta, established in 1907 by an act of the Alberta Legislature to encourage the study and preservation of Canadian and Alberta history.
The overriding object of CAHS is “to promote and publish historical works, develop education and programming activities to encourage membership in the Society and the performance of its objects.”
Membership in the CAHS includes a membership in the historical Society of Alberta, the CAHS newsletter and History Now, the newsletter of the Historical Society of Alberta, which covers history across the province. The glossy quarterly magazine, Alberta History, is available to members for a reasonable subscription rate.
Central Alberta Historical Society
4525 47A Avenue, Red Deer AB T4N 6Z6
Phone 403-309-8405